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Archive for October, 2013

XReminder: A Reminder app with quick gesture controls | AppSaga


XReminder – Quick & Powerful Reminder (4.5 stars with 35 Ratings) 
iPhone App


Free Offer Ended. This app was free on October 29, 2013, but the offer has expired. Follow us on Twitter or Subscribe by email or RSS feed to get daily App Gone Free notifications so you won’t miss it next time. The following impression was made during the promotional period.


Looking for an easy-to-use reminder app with gesture controls?

At first glance, this may seem just like another countdown app, although that’s partially true, this app is more of a reminder app with quick and easy gesture controls. Simply drag down on the screen to create an item. Enter a title, time, any recurring options, and you are done. Swipe left or right to edit or delete it. If you are looking for a quick and easy app to set your reminders, try out XReminders.

App Screenshots

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via XReminder: A Reminder app with quick gesture controls | AppSaga.

Bucatini with Butter-Roasted Tomato Sauce


1 28-oz. can whole peeled tomatoes

8 garlic cloves, peeled, crushed

2 anchovy fillets packed in oil

¼ cup (½ stick) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces

½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes plus more for serving

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

12 oz. bucatini or spaghetti

Finely grated Parmesan (for serving)


Preheat oven to 425°. Combine tomatoes (crushing them with your hands), garlic, anchovies, butter, and ½ tsp. red pepper flakes in a 13×9” baking dish; season with salt and black pepper. Roast, tossing halfway through, until garlic is very soft and mixture is jammy, 35–40 minutes. Using a potato masher or fork, mash to break up garlic and tomatoes.

Meanwhile, cook pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally, until al dente. Drain, reserving ½ cup pasta cooking liquid.

Return pasta to pot and add tomato sauce and pasta cooking liquid. Cook over medium-high heat, tossing until sauce coats pasta, about 3 minutes. Serve topped with Parmesan and more red pepper flakes.

DO AHEAD: Tomato sauce can be made 4 days ahead. Let cool; cover and chill. Reheat before mixing with pasta.

via Bucatini with Butter-Roasted Tomato Sauce – Bon Appétit.

Genetic testing raises hope for lung cancer treatments

Lung cancer is one of the hardest cancers to treat


Offering genetic testing to lung cancer patients can potentially save lives, research suggests.

A study of 5,000 patients found genetic profiling of lung tumours boosted survival rates through better targeting of chemotherapy drugs.

The findings, reported in Science Translational Medicine, pave the way for personalised medicine.

Cancer Research UK said matching patients to a personalised treatment is still in its infancy.

The standard way to diagnose lung cancer is to look at cells from a tumour under the microscope.

On this basis, lung cancer can be classified into different tumour types, which helps doctors make decisions about the best treatment to offer.

However, in recent years scientists have made progress towards understanding how cancer can be better treated by matching drugs to the genetic make-up of a tumour.

A team led by Dr Roman Thomas, of the Max Planck Research Group in Cologne, Germany, carried out genetic testing on lung tumour samples from about 5,000 patients to spot genetic differences in lung cancer cells.

Our findings provide support for broad implementation of genome-based diagnosis of lung cancer”

Dr Roman ThomasMax Planck Research Group

They found that while some tumours look similar under the microscope, they actually belong to different subgroups.

Patients who received therapy based on genetic profiling of their tumours had a better prognosis, the study revealed.

Diagnostic genetic testing of lung cancer, combined with tailored treatment, may improve patient survival in the future, say the researchers.

“Our findings provide support for broad implementation of genome-based diagnosis of lung cancer,” they report in Science Translational Medicine.

Commenting on the research, Dr Sarah Hazell, Cancer Research UK’s senior science information officer, said the way scientists think about cancer is changing.

“This research highlights a growing trend of using drugs matched to the individual genetic profile of a tumour,” she said.

“For lung cancer though, it’s too early to claim a victory, as it’s still one of the hardest to treat cancers, and matching patients to a personalised treatment is still in its infancy. ”

Some 42,000 people have lung cancer diagnosed in the UK annually, with about 35,000 deaths from the disease.

Lung cancer is often diagnosed at a late stage, which makes it difficult to treat.

via BBC News – Genetic testing raises hope for lung cancer treatments.

Internet chatrooms can help those in distress, says study

The negative influence of the internet has received widespread coverage this year


Internet forums and chatrooms can have positive effects that should be more widely acknowledged, experts say.

The call comes after Oxford University researchers carried out an analysis of 14 different studies looking at how young people use the internet.

The review – published in the Plos One journal – said a number of studies had found a link between internet use and self-harm and suicide.

But it said others had found the internet could be a positive influence.

The dangers of internet use have received widespread coverage this year. In one case, in August, 14-year-old Hannah Smith from Leicestershire was found hanged after she had been sent abusive messages on a social networking site.

Since then research by the NSPCC has suggested a fifth of 11 to 16-year-olds have had negative experiences using the internet.

‘Socially isolated’

The Oxford University research highlighted a number of dangers from internet use, including the normalising of self-harm and the risk of bullying.

It also said there was a “strong link” between internet forums and an increased risk of suicide in particular.

Rather than concentrating primarily on ways of blocking and censoring such sites, we should think about online opportunities to reach out to people in emotional distress”

Joe FernsSamaritans

But the researchers said some studies had shown that internet forums could support and connect socially isolated people.

There were also examples where forum users encouraged positive behaviour, advised others to seek help and congratulated each other for not harming themselves.

Report author Prof Keith Hawton said: “Communication via the internet and other electronic means has potential roles in both contributing to and preventing suicidal behaviour in young people.

“The next step is going to be development of therapeutic interventions using these channels of communication, especially to access those who do not seek help from clinical services.”

Joe Ferns of the Samaritans added: “We should acknowledge that many people are using suicide forums and chatrooms to anonymously discuss their feelings of distress and despair, including suicidal thoughts, which may have a positive impact on the individual. They may be expressing feelings that they have never disclosed to anyone in their offline lives.

“Rather than concentrating primarily on ways of blocking and censoring such sites, we should think about online opportunities to reach out to people in emotional distress.”

via BBC News – Internet chatrooms can help those in distress, says study.

New York to raise cigarette sale age

The bill’s supporters say a higher age limit stops young people developing smoking habits

New York City Council has voted to raise the minimum age for buying cigarettes from 18 to 21.

New York will now become by far the most populous place in the US to impose such a high age limit, the Associated Press reports.

The new age limit includes electronic vapour cigarettes.

Across the US there is a minimum age for smoking of 18. Some states have raised the limit to 19 and at least two other towns have raised it to 21.

The bill’s sponsor, City Councilman James Gennaro, said it would “literally save many, many lives”.

Mr Gennaro, whose mother and father died from tobacco-related illnesses, said: “I’ve lived with it, I’ve seen it… but I feel good today.”

Critics of the measure have argued that young people may turn to the black market for cigarettes.

New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, who supported the bill, has 30 days to sign it into law. The measure would then come into effect after 180 days.

“We know that tobacco dependence can begin very soon after a young person first tries smoking so it’s critical that we stop young people from smoking before they ever start,” Mr Bloomberg said in a statement.

A plan by Mr Bloomberg to make shops keep cigarettes out of public view was shelved earlier this year.

via BBC News – New York to raise cigarette sale age.

HIV antibodies ‘have potent impact’

A potential new HIV treatment has a “profound and unprecedented” impact on the virus, according to animal studies published in the journal Nature.


Potent antibodies were able to wipe a hybrid of human and monkey immunodeficiency viruses from the bloodstream of monkeys within days.

The findings could “revolutionise” the search for an HIV cure, say experts.

The US researchers said trials in patients with HIV now needed to take place.

The immune system produces precisely targeted antibodies to take out HIV, but the virus is able to rapidly mutate to evade the immune assault.

The effect with these potent antibodies is profound and unprecedented. It’s probably as large an antiviral therapeutic effect as has ever been seen”

Prof Dan BarouchHarvard Medical School

However, some antibodies have been discovered that target the “conserved” parts of HIV – those that the virus struggles to change because they are vital for it to function.


Two groups, from Harvard Medical School and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, performed the first trials of these antibodies.

They used rhesus macaques that had been infected with simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV), a blend of HIV and the monkey equivalent.

Data from the Harvard team showed that injection of the antibodies drove SHIV from the bloodstream until it reached undetectable levels after three to seven days.

The effect lasted for one to three months, but in three monkeys the virus did not return to the blood during the 250-day study.

Prof Dan Barouch told the BBC: “The effect with these potent antibodies is profound and unprecedented. It’s probably as large an antiviral therapeutic effect as has ever been seen.

“But we have to make sure we don’t overhype and the limitation is the study is in animals, not humans.”

The antibodies were also able to attack the virus in some tissues. Drugs can assault the virus in the blood during normal HIV treatment, but the virus can hide in other parts of the body.

These early findings raise the prospect of using antibodies to clear these tissues as well.

Similar results were produced by the team at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


HIV infection is incurable, although taking a daily dose of medication can keep the virus in check, giving patients a near-normal life expectancy.

The antibodies will be tested in human clinical trials and if successful they could be used alongside antiretroviral drugs as a treatment.

It may also be possible to devise a vaccine that could train the immune system to produce these antibodies.

However, both these ideas are dependent on human trials being successful.

Commenting on the findings, Prof Louis Picker and Prof Steven Deeks said: “The findings of these two papers could revolutionise efforts to cure HIV.”

However, they warned that HIV was so prone to mutation that it was “likely that some people will harbour viruses that are resistant to one or more” of the antibodies.

via BBC News – HIV antibodies ‘have potent impact’.







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綠色蔬食 讓你輕鬆補鈣





via 補鈣迷思!大骨湯加醋助鈣溶出? | 20131031 | 華人健康網.

基礎代謝率UP 快補蛋白質胺基酸




補充蛋白質與胺基酸 減少體內脂肪







補充蛋白質與胺基酸 提升基礎代謝率



via 基礎代謝率UP 快補蛋白質胺基酸 | 20131031 | 華人健康網.

運動後速燃脂秘訣 補充蛋白質營養





運動後補充蛋白質 能燃燒脂肪

對抗肥胖與過重,除了持續宣導運動之外,運動之後的飲食控制也是不可忽視的重要因素。營養師趙函穎表示,根據美國運動醫學會的營養專刊指出,運動後補充 4:1的碳水化合物:蛋白質,能快速有效的補充運動消耗的肝醣,這些熱量並不會被當成脂肪儲存,而是拿去修補損耗掉的能量與組織,維持強健的體能與體力。

運動後30-60分鐘內若能即時補充碳水化合物與蛋白質比例4 : 1的營養補充品,對幫助恢復肌肉流失的養份,增加肌肉量,提升基礎代謝進而達到燃燒脂肪,有不錯的效果。

營養師趙函穎表示,運動後應該補充 4:1的碳水化合物:蛋白質。(攝影/黃曼瑩)

營養師趙函穎表示,運動後應該補充 4:1的碳水化合物:蛋白質。(攝影/黃曼瑩)


中高強度有氧運動後 需營養補充









via 運動後速燃脂秘訣 補充蛋白質營養 | 20131031 | 華人健康網.

走路突然「鎖膝」 竟是半月板磨損



突然急跳扭轉 恐釀半月板破損






半月板磨損 勿與退化性關節炎混談













新式半月軟骨縫合術 避免神經受損



via 走路突然「鎖膝」 竟是半月板磨損 | 20131031 | 華人健康網.