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Archive for May, 2014

Scallops with Hazelnuts and Warm Sun Gold Tomatoes Recipe – Bon Appétit


  • ¼ cup coarsely chopped skin-on hazelnuts
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  •  pound large sea scallops, side muscle removed, patted dry
  • 1 pint Sun Gold or grape tomatoes
  • 1 small shallot, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons fresh tarragon leaves


Calories (kcal) 310 Fat (g) 16 Saturated Fat (g) 2 Cholesterol (mg) 55 Carbohydrates (g) 12 Dietary Fiber (g) 2 Total Sugars (g) 3 Protein (g) 31 Sodium (mg) 400


  • Preheat oven to 350°. Toast hazelnuts on a rimmed baking sheet, tossing occasionally, until golden brown, 8–10 minutes. Toss with 1 Tbsp. oil; season with salt and pepper.
  • Meanwhile, heat remaining 2 Tbsp. oil in a large cast-iron or nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until almost smoking. Season scallops with salt and pepper; cook until golden brown and just cooked through, about 3 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate.
  • Pour off most liquid in skillet. Add tomatoes and shallot, season with salt and pepper, and cook, tossing, until some tomatoes have burst, about 4 minutes. Mix in vinegar and serve with scallops topped with tarragon and hazelnuts.

via Scallops with Hazelnuts and Warm Sun Gold Tomatoes Recipe – Bon Appétit.

Actionitem: Take meeting notes and have them sync to your calendar event | App Saga


ActionItem | Save Meeting Notes Directly to your Calendar(4.5 stars with 15 Ratings) 
Universal App
$1.99 Free for a limited time


We all know that meetings can be boring, tedious, and filled with information that would be impossible to remember. That’s why we take meeting notes, and to help you keep everything together is Actionitem.

Actionitem allows you to take plain text notes that are then in turn synced up with your calendar on your device. That’s right: open up the app, type up all the notes you have for the meeting, and then you’ll be able to see those notes in the “notes” section of whatever calendar event you synced it with. This helps you keep track of all the information you have for various meetings, keeps everything streamlined so you can stay up to date on progress, and gives you a quick and easy way to get things done. It’s intuitive, and the minimal interface keeps you focused while you take important notes for those meetings and events. Download Actionitem and see if it truly helps your workflow.

App Screenshots

via Actionitem: Take meeting notes and have them sync to your calendar event | App Saga.

Lancet study: Overweight total tops 2.1bn globally


The number of people in the world who are obese or overweight has topped 2.1 billion, up from 875 million in 1980, according to figures published in the Lancet.

US, China and Russia had the highest rates and the UK was third in Western Europe, the 188-country study showed.

Alpa Patel reports.

via BBC News – Lancet study: Overweight total tops 2.1bn globally.

Prescription drugs to treat alcohol top £3m

The numbers of men and women who drink frequently are decreasing


There were a million hospital admissions related to alcohol last year in England and £3.13m was spent on prescription drugs to treat alcohol dependency.

The Health and Social Care Information Centre’s latest report shows that 65% of adults admitted were men, but more under-16 girls than boys were admitted.

Frequent drinking among men and women continues to fall.

Deaths from alcohol in England also decreased by 4% to 6,490.

The HSCIC figures, contained in Statistics on Alcohol – England, 2014 uses a number of sources of information to calculate alcohol-related hospital admissions.

The centre also gauges drinking behaviour among adults and schoolchildren in England.

Its report shows that of the 1,008,850 hospital admissions in England related to alcohol last year, where a disease, injury or condition is the main or secondary reason for admission, the majority were male patients.

But among under-16s, females were in the majority, with 2,480 admitted in 2012-13, compared with 1,890 males.

The North East of England recorded the highest rate of alcohol-related admissions (2,500 per 100,000 population) and the South East recorded the lowest (1,500 per 100,000 population).

The cost of prescribing drugs to treat alcohol dependency rose by around £200,000 to £3.13m in 2012. This is the first time the tally has reached £3m.

More than 183,000 items were prescribed in 2013.

Drinking down

However, although this cost is increasing, the HSCIC Health Survey for England suggests that the percentage of people in Great Britain who drink regularly is decreasing.

Between 2005 and 2012 the percentage who drank alcohol in the week before being interviewed fell from 72% to 64% for men, and from 57% to 52% for women.

The survey also shows that the percentage of men who drank alcohol on at least five days in the week declined from 22% to 14%.

The percentage of women who drank frequently fell from 13% to 9%.

Kingsley Manning, chair of the HSCIC, said: “Today’s report highlights one of the areas of impact that alcohol dependence has on our NHS. The fact there has been a rise of nearly 70% in the prescribing of alcohol dependence drugs over the last decade is striking.

“These data provide an insight into the effect of alcohol on services, and will offer a better understanding to the public, health professionals and policymakers into this ongoing public health issue.”

via BBC News – Prescription drugs to treat alcohol top £3m.

New H10N8 bird flu not imminent global threat

The latest type of bird flu detected in China, H10N8, does not pose an imminent global threat, say researchers.


There have been three reported cases and two deaths since December 2013.

UK Medical Research Council scientists analysed the molecular structure of the virus to show it did not share the characteristics of previous pandemics.

Instead they argued resources should be focused on other flu viruses that are emerging or are already present in South East Asia.

There are a number of bird flus that are making the jump from animals to humans.

The phenomenon is most notable in China, where there is a large population that culturally lives closely with birds, such as live poultry markets.

H7N9 emerged in March last year and there were more than a hundred cases in the first month. There is also the longstanding threat of H5N1 influenza, which kills nearly two in three people infected.

‘Need to be aware’

The study on the latest bird flu to emerge, published by the journal Nature, analysed how well the surface of the virus could bind to human tissue – a key measure of how likely it is to spread.

It showed the H10N8 virus still had a clear preference for infecting birds rather than humans, a trait that it is likely would need to be reversed before it became a serious threat.

Dr John McCauley, the director of the World Health Organization Influenza Centre at the Medical Research Council’s National Institute for Medical Research, told the BBC: “This has been a pretty rare event in one place in China. It highlights the need to be aware, but I don’t think there’s an imminent threat.

“There are higher priorities than H10N8. Other avian influenzas emerging in China or those around for the past 10 years pose a more significant threat than H10N8.”

via BBC News – New H10N8 bird flu not imminent global threat.

Study suggests link between cynicism and dementia

Scientists looked at personality traits and rate of dementia in older people

People who have a cynical distrust of others, and think their motives are selfish, could have a higher risk of developing dementia, a study has said.

Researchers compared levels of cynical distrust in 622 people with the incidence of dementia.

They said people with high levels of distrust were twice as likely to develop dementia.

Experts said any findings that helped understand the disease were important, but called for larger studies.

Personality and disease

Dementia is a syndrome categorised by a decline in memory, thinking speed, mental agility, language, understanding and judgement.

One in three people aged over 65 in Britain will develop dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Society in the UK.

In 1998, volunteers, with an average age of 71, were asked to rate their agreement with statements such as “I think people would lie to get ahead”, or “it is safer to trust nobody”, said the researchers.

Scientists at the University of Eastern Finland said 46 people had developed dementia in the following decade.

Fourteen of the 164 people who showed high levels of cynical distrust in 1998 had developed dementia in this time, compared with nine out of the 212 people with low levels.

Dr Anna-Maija Tolppanen at the University of Eastern Finland led the study.

She said: “These results add to the evidence that people’s view on life and personality may have an impact on their health.”

Explaining the results, Dr Tolppanen said: “People with different personality traits may be more or less likely to engage in activities that are beneficial for cognition, such as healthy diet, cognitive or social activities, or exercise.

“Or personality may act via morphological changes or structural differences in brains. Also, inflammation has been suggested as one link between cynicism and worse health outcomes.”

She said the study was controlled for socioeconomic factors, age, sex, health status, and lifestyle, such as smoking and alcohol use.

Role of depression

But Dr Tolppanen said she had not accounted for people becoming depressed after the first stage of the assessment, or that the volunteers’ depression might not have showed up adequately in questionnaires.

She added it was “really important” to replicate the findings on a much larger scale, to prove the link.

Dr Simon Ridley, head of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “With the rising numbers of people affected with dementia, any addition our understanding of what might affect disease development is important.”

He said that as only a small number of people in the study developed dementia, he would want to see a larger study conducted to be “more confident” in the proposed link.

Dr Ridley said the volunteers with a high level of cynical distrust could have been already beginning to develop dementia, and that depression, which may be both a risk factor and a symptom for dementia, could account for the cynicism.

“The biggest risk factor for dementia is age, by far,” he said.

via BBC News – Study suggests link between cynicism and dementia.








多發性硬化症愛找輕熟女 國內10年激增2.5倍


國內首部多發性硬化症衛教影片「針脫困境 服出希望」正式上線。圖片正中間為蔡清標醫師。(攝影/駱慧雯)

國內首部多發性硬化症衛教影片「針脫困境 服出希望」正式上線。圖片正中間為蔡清標醫師。(攝影/駱慧雯)







via 無力≠過勞!輕熟女防多發性硬化症 | 20140529 | 華人健康網.




【銀髮消脂茶 平溫消痰濕】







  • 將以上中藥材洗乾淨後放入過濾包布包(一般中藥行或超市皆可買到),在鍋中加入2000的水以大火烹煮。
  • 大水煮至沸騰之後轉為小火,繼續煮5~8分鐘後關火,待溫涼後飲用。
  • 如果是用煮沸的熱水沖泡,建議悶15~20分鐘,讓中藥入味之後再飲用。



via 老肥多濕痰!決明山楂茶消痰化積 | 20140529 | 華人健康網.







《好菌少易老化 壞菌多易生病》






「腸」命百歲 簡單5招






via 最惡毒的壞菌!壞菌多不「腸」命 | 20140529 | 華人健康網.













1 苦瓜(抑制脂肪吸收、排除毒素)



2 檸檬(分解脂肪、清除毒素)




3 木瓜(分解脂肪、促進代謝)






4 葡萄柚(促進腸道蠕動,潤腸通便)








5 蘋果(減少脂肪吸收、促進代謝)





via 甩掉小肚腩!10大分解脂肪蔬果 | 20140529 | 華人健康網.